Numbers | die zahlen
German and English Numbers German and English Numbers German English eins one zwei two drei three vier four fünf five […]
German and English Numbers German and English Numbers German English eins one zwei two drei three vier four fünf five […]
German and English Weather Vocabulary German and English Weather Vocabulary German English Wie ist das Wetter? How’s the weather? Wie
German and English Time Vocabulary German and English Time Vocabulary German English Montag Monday Dienstag Tuesday Mittwoch Wednesday Donnerstag Thursday
German and English Time Vocabulary German and English Time Vocabulary German English der Morgen morning der Nachmittag afternoon der Abend
Dutch and English Animal Vocabulary English Deutsch Where do you work? Wo arbeiten Sie? What do you do? Was machen
Konjuntiv I has to do with indirect speech, or when you are relating things that other people have said.. Konjuntiv
Der Relativsatz / Relative Clause Relative pronouns are used for stylistic purposes; they help eliminate redundancy of nouns and connect ideas
There is no Präteritum in Konjunktiv II Just use Konjunktiv II Perfekt if you are talking about unreal situations in
Konjunktiv II is a mood and It’s used to express wishes, desires, speculation, conditionality, politeness and other “unreal” conditions. The Konjunktiv
To form the comparative for most adjectives or adverbs you simply add .-er, as in klein/kleiner (small/smaller). To form the superlative,
Heraus / Hinaus Hin and her are used in their most literal sense with verbs of movement or activity that
German adjectives work just like English ones, except that they take on case end- ings when they come right before
Reflexive Pronoun We use reflexive pronouns with reflexive and reciprocal verbs. They always refer to the subject akk dat ich mich
Der Genitiv Genitive The German genitive case is used to either indicate possession, or ownership. It is marked by pronouns,
Imperativ Imperative The imperative is used to give orders or instructions or to express requests. For example “Give me the purse!”,
Unterordnende Konjunktion Subordinating Conjunction Subordinating conjunctions are very common and very useful. They always follow the same pattern. After a subordinating
Wechselpräposition Two -case Preposition These are prepositions that change their case depending on how they are used. if there is a
Das Passiv / Passive Voice The passive voice is used more frequently in written German than in spoken German. The
Trennbares Verben Separable Verbs German has two categories of prefixes: inseparable prefixes and separable prefixes. Untrennbar – Inseparable Prefixes
Das Plusquamperfekt Past Perfect Tense With the past perfect, we express actions that took place before a certain point inthe past.
Futur Future Tense In German the Futur tense is formed with the present tense of the verb werden andthe infinitive
Modal Verben Modal Verbs Modal verbs are verbs used to modify or change other verbs to show such things as
Das Präteritum Past Tense The Präteritum is equivalent to the English Simple Past tense. But usually, the Präteritum is not used
Das Perfekt Perfect Tense This tense is used in spoken and written German to express something that hap- pened in the
Der Dativ / Dative Dative case is very important in German, and it also changes in all the three genders +
The German accusative case is used when the noun/pronoun is the direct object of the sentence, that is, the person
Das Verb Verb The most basic word order in German, just like in English, is thesubject -verb -directobjectsequence: A simple statement is constructed in the following manner,the subject comes first, then the conjugated verb, then the object and any infinitives or participles. In
Nominativ Nominative Nomantive is always the subject of a sentence. The person or thing which per- forms an action, defined by the
Possesiv Pronomen / Posessive Pronoun ich mein my du dein your er sein his es sein its sie ihr
Abschnitt 3 Hallo! Hello! Guten Morgen! Good Morning! Guten Tag! Good Day! Guten Abend! Good Evening! Gute
Bestimmter Artikel – Definite Article In English you can refer the definite article as “the” and In
Das Nomen Noun German nouns (a person, place or thing, Substantive) always begin with a CAPITAL letter! Personal Pronomen Personal Pronouns Ich I du you er he es it sie she wir
Der Vokal Vowels The German alphabet, just like the English, has five main vowels: A E I O U A (a) as a in hard
German grammar can be very different from English grammar. This includes the order of words in a sentence. The verb
The conditional tense is used to talk about things which might happen, but are not certain. This is often translated
A verb infinitive is the form of verb that is found in the dictionary. Infinitives This is an example of
Tenses show when something happens – the past, present or the future. The imperfect tense is a past tense. Imperfect
Tenses show when something happens – the past, present or the future. The perfect tense is a past tense. Perfect
‘Separable’ verbs are used in sentences such as ‘I wash up’ or ‘I came back’, which include both a verb
The pluperfect tense is used to talk about the past and to say what you had done. Pluperfect tense Before
The future tense is used to talk about your future plans. Forming the future tense in German How to form
Modal verbs are verbs associated with possibility or necessity. Modal verbs Examples of modal verbs include: ‘can’, ‘should’ and ‘want’.
‘Reflexive’ verbs are verbs like ‘I wash myself’ or ‘I dress myself’ where you have to include ‘myself’ to show
Impersonal verbs are verbs which don’t have a subject. Impersonal verbs ‘It is snowing’ is an example of an impersonal
Tenses show when something happens – the past, present or the future. Present tense verbs The present tense is what
Das Verb Verb The most basic word order in German, just like in English, is thesubject -verb -directobjectsequence: A simple statement is constructed in the following manner,the subject comes first, then the conjugated verb, then the object and any infinitives or participles. In
Verbs are used to describe an action. Verb tense and type The sentence you use determines the verb tense. For
Family and Relationship Vocabulary Family and Relationship Vocabulary English German This is my… Das ist mein / meine… These are
Face Paint and Carnival Vocabulary Face Paint and Carnival Vocabulary English German face paint die Kinderschminke mask die Maske headdress
Christmas and New Year Vocabulary Christmas and New Year Vocabulary English German Christmas Eve der Heiligabend Christmas Day der erste
Life Events and Holidays Vocabulary Life Events and Holidays Vocabulary English German baptism die Taufe christening die Taufe bar mitzvah
Occasions and Celebration Vocabulary Occasions and Celebration Vocabulary English German occasion die Gelegenheit birthday der Geburtstag wedding die Hochzeit wedding
Trees and Plants Vocabulary Trees and Plants Vocabulary English German chestnut die Kastanie cypress die Zypresse fir die Tanne fungus
Flower Vocabulary Flower Vocabulary English German buttercup die Butterblume carnation die Nelke chrysanthemum die Chrysantheme daffodil die Osterglocke daisy das
Plant Parts Vocabulary Plant Parts Vocabulary English German stalk der Stiel leaf das Blatt petal das Blütenblatt pollen der Pollen
Celestial and Atmospheric Phenomena Vocabulary Celestial and Atmospheric Phenomena Vocabulary English German aurora das Polarlicht clouds die Wolken (plural) moon
Coastal and Geological Features Vocabulary Coastal and Geological Features Vocabulary English German cliff die Klippe coast die Küste coral reef
Natural Features Vocabulary Natural Features Vocabulary English German cave die Höhle desert die Wüste farmland das Ackerland forest der Wald
Landscape and Environment Vocabulary Landscape and Environment Vocabulary English German landscape die Landschaft soil die Erde mud der Schlamm water
Marine Life Vocabulary Marine Life Vocabulary English German coral die Koralle crab die Krabbe dolphin der Delphin eel der Aal
Insects Vocabulary Insects Vocabulary English German swarm der Schwarm colony die Kolonie cobweb das Spinnennetz insect bite der Stich to
Birds Vocabulary Birds Vocabulary English German blackbird die Amsel buzzard der Bussard crane der Kranich crow der Rabe dove die
Mammals Vocabulary Mammals Vocabulary English German badger der Dachs bat die Fledermaus boar das Wildschwein deer das Reh fox der
Reptiles and Amphibians Vocabulary Reptiles and Amphibians Vocabulary. English German alligator der Alligator crocodile das Krokodil frog der Frosch gecko
German and English Pet and Farm Animal Vocabulary German and English Pet and Farm Animal Vocabulary German English das Fischfutter
German and English Animal Vocabulary German and English Animal Vocabulary German English das Tier animal die Spezies species das Säugetier
German and English Organ and Body Parts Vocabulary German and English Organ and Body Parts Vocabulary German English das Organ
German and English Hand and Foot Vocabulary German and English Hand and Foot Vocabulary German English das Handgelenk wrist der
German and English Facial Features Vocabulary German and English Facial Features Vocabulary German English das Haar hair die Stirn forehead
German and English Body Parts Vocabulary German and English Body Parts Vocabulary German English der Kopf head das Gesicht face
German and English Body Parts and Senses Vocabulary German and English Body Parts and Senses Vocabulary German English der Hals
German and English Sports Vocabulary German and English Sports Vocabulary German English der American Football American football das Bogenschießen archery
German and English Golf Vocabulary German and English Golf Vocabulary German English der Golfer / die Golferin golfer der Caddie
German and English Running and Athletics Vocabulary German and English Running and Athletics Vocabulary German English der Läufer / die
German and English Fight Vocabulary German and English Fight Vocabulary German English der Kampf fight der Boxer / die Boxerin
German and English Winter Sports Vocabulary German and English Winter Sports Vocabulary German English der Skifahrer / die Skifahrerin skier
German and English Swimming Vocabulary German and English Swimming Vocabulary German English das Schwimmen swimming das Brustschwimmen breaststroke das Rückenschwimmen
German and English Badminton and Squash Vocabulary German and English Badminton and Squash Vocabulary German English der Balljunge / das
German and English Tennis and Badminton Vocabulary German and English Tennis and Badminton Vocabulary German English das Netz net das
German and English Basketball Vocabulary German and English Basketball Vocabulary German English der Korbleger layup der Slam Dunk slam dunk
German and English Ice Hockey Vocabulary German and English Ice Hockey Vocabulary German English die blaue Linie blue line die
German and English Football Vocabulary German and English Football Vocabulary German English der Abwehrspieler / die Abwehrspielerin defender der Stürmer
German and English Gym and Fitness Vocabulary German and English Gym and Fitness Vocabulary German English das Fitnessstudio gym der
German and English Sports and Competitions Vocabulary German and English Sports and Competitions Vocabulary German English das Turnier tournament der
German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German English der Knäuel
German and English Art Supplies Vocabulary German and English Art Supplies Vocabulary German English die Leinwand canvas die Staffelei easel
German and English Crafts Vocabulary German and English Crafts Vocabulary German English das Kunsthandwerk craft der Kunsthandwerksmarkt craft fair der
German and English Games Vocabulary German and English Games Vocabulary German English der Spieler / die Spielerin player das Versteckspiel
German and English Photography Vocabulary German English das Foto photo der Fotograf / die Fotografin photographer das Selfie
German and English Music Vocabulary German and English Music Vocabulary German English der DJ DJ die CD CD die Schallplatte
German and English Beach Vocabulary German and English Beach Vocabulary German English „Baden verboten.“ “No swimming.” das Badegebiet bathing zone
German and English Camping Vocabulary German and English Camping Vocabulary German English der Campingplatz campsite der Platz pitch der Stromanschluss
German and English Accommodation Vocabulary German and English Accommodation Vocabulary German English die Frühstückspension bed and breakfast die Vollpension full
German and English Entertainment Vocabulary German and English Entertainment Vocabulary German English ein Glas a drink das Nachtleben nightlife die
German and English Tourism Vocabulary German and English Tourism Vocabulary German English der Tourist / die Touristin tourist die Touristenattraktion
German and English Leisure and Hobbies Vocabulary German and English Leisure and Hobbies Vocabulary German English der Urlaub holiday die
German and English Public Places Vocabulary German and English Public Places Vocabulary German English das Café café die Kathedrale cathedral
German and English Postal Vocabulary German and English Postal Vocabulary German English die Adresse address das Postfahrzeug postal van der
German and English Banking Vocabulary German and English Banking Vocabulary German English die Zweigstelle branch der Kassierer / die Kassierin
German and English Office Supplies & Management Vocabulary German and English Office Supplies & Management Vocabulary German English der Chef