marine creatures | meerestiere
Marine Life Vocabulary Marine Life Vocabulary English German coral die Koralle crab die Krabbe dolphin der Delphin eel der Aal […]
Marine Life Vocabulary Marine Life Vocabulary English German coral die Koralle crab die Krabbe dolphin der Delphin eel der Aal […]
Insects Vocabulary Insects Vocabulary English German swarm der Schwarm colony die Kolonie cobweb das Spinnennetz insect bite der Stich to
Birds Vocabulary Birds Vocabulary English German blackbird die Amsel buzzard der Bussard crane der Kranich crow der Rabe dove die
Mammals Vocabulary Mammals Vocabulary English German badger der Dachs bat die Fledermaus boar das Wildschwein deer das Reh fox der
Reptiles and Amphibians Vocabulary Reptiles and Amphibians Vocabulary. English German alligator der Alligator crocodile das Krokodil frog der Frosch gecko
German and English Pet and Farm Animal Vocabulary German and English Pet and Farm Animal Vocabulary German English das Fischfutter
German and English Animal Vocabulary German and English Animal Vocabulary German English das Tier animal die Spezies species das Säugetier