the vet | beim tierarzt
German and English Veterinary Vocabulary German and English Veterinary Vocabulary German English die Tierklinik vet clinic der Tierarzt / die […]
German and English Veterinary Vocabulary German and English Veterinary Vocabulary German English die Tierklinik vet clinic der Tierarzt / die […]
German and English Therapy Vocabulary German and English Therapy Vocabulary German English der Therapeut / die Therapeutin therapist der Masseur
German and English Pregnancy Vocabulary German and English Pregnancy Vocabulary German English die Schwangere pregnant woman das Neugeborene newborn der
German and English Hospital Vocabulary German and English Hospital Vocabulary German English das Krankenhaus hospital die Notaufnahme A&E (Accident &
German and English Ophthalmology Vocabulary German and English Ophthalmology Vocabulary German English der Augenarzt / die Augenärztin ophthalmologist die Lesebrille
German and English Dental Vocabulary German and English Dental Vocabulary German English der Backenzahn molar der Schneidezahn incisor der Eckzahn
German and English Medical Appointments and Examinations Vocabulary German and English Medical Appointments and Examinations Vocabulary German English der Termin
German and English Health Conditions and Illnesses Vocabulary German and English Health Conditions and Illnesses Vocabulary German English der Herzinfarkt
German and English Medical Emergency and Injury Vocabulary German and English Medical Emergency and Injury Vocabulary German English der Sanitäter
German and English Health and Medical Vocabulary German and English Health and Medical Vocabulary German English der Patient / die
German and English Pharmacy & Personal Care Vocabulary German and English Pharmacy & Personal Care Vocabulary German English der Apotheker