housework | die hausarbeit
German and English Utility Room Vocabulary German and English Utility Room Vocabulary German English der Hauswirtschaftsraum utility room die Haushaltsgeräte […]
German and English Utility Room Vocabulary German and English Utility Room Vocabulary German English der Hauswirtschaftsraum utility room die Haushaltsgeräte […]
German and English Garden Vocabulary German and English Garden Vocabulary German English der Baum tree die Erde soil das Gras
German and English Bathroom Vocabulary German and English Bathroom Vocabulary German English der Duschvorhang shower curtain die Toilettenartikel toiletries der
German and English Bedroom Vocabulary German and English Bedroom Vocabulary German English das Einzelbett single bed das Doppelbett double bed
German and English Dining Table Vocabulary German and English Dining Table Vocabulary German English der Esstisch dining table das Set
German and English Kitchen Vocabulary German and English Kitchen Vocabulary German English der Kessel kettle der Toaster toaster der Elektroherd
German and English Living Room Vocabulary German and English Living Room Vocabulary German English der Teppich carpet die Dielen floorboards
German and English Front Door Vocabulary German and English Front Door Vocabulary German English front door die Haustür doorway der
German and English House Elements Vocabulary German and English House Elements Vocabulary German English inside der Boiler boiler der Deckenventilator
German and English Room and Household Vocabulary German and English Room and Household Vocabulary German English das Zimmer room der
German and English House and Real Estate Vocabulary German and English House and Real Estate Vocabulary German English das Reihenhaus