sewing accessories
German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German English der Knäuel […]
German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German and English Sewing and Knitting Supplies Vocabulary German English der Knäuel […]
German and English Art Supplies Vocabulary German and English Art Supplies Vocabulary German English die Leinwand canvas die Staffelei easel
German and English Crafts Vocabulary German and English Crafts Vocabulary German English das Kunsthandwerk craft der Kunsthandwerksmarkt craft fair der
German and English Games Vocabulary German and English Games Vocabulary German English der Spieler / die Spielerin player das Versteckspiel
German and English Photography Vocabulary German English das Foto photo der Fotograf / die Fotografin photographer das Selfie
German and English Music Vocabulary German and English Music Vocabulary German English der DJ DJ die CD CD die Schallplatte
German and English Beach Vocabulary German and English Beach Vocabulary German English „Baden verboten.“ “No swimming.” das Badegebiet bathing zone
German and English Camping Vocabulary German and English Camping Vocabulary German English der Campingplatz campsite der Platz pitch der Stromanschluss
German and English Accommodation Vocabulary German and English Accommodation Vocabulary German English die Frühstückspension bed and breakfast die Vollpension full
German and English Entertainment Vocabulary German and English Entertainment Vocabulary German English ein Glas a drink das Nachtleben nightlife die
German and English Tourism Vocabulary German and English Tourism Vocabulary German English der Tourist / die Touristin tourist die Touristenattraktion
German and English Leisure and Hobbies Vocabulary German and English Leisure and Hobbies Vocabulary German English der Urlaub holiday die