fast food | das fastfood
German and English Fast-Food Vocabulary German and English Fast-Food Vocabulary German English die Fastfood-Kette fast-food chain der Schnellimbiss food stall […]
German and English Fast-Food Vocabulary German and English Fast-Food Vocabulary German English die Fastfood-Kette fast-food chain der Schnellimbiss food stall […]
German and English Restaurant Vocabulary German and English Restaurant Vocabulary German English die Tageskarte set menu die Tagesgerichte daily specials
German and English Dessert Vocabulary German and English Dessert Vocabulary German English der Apfelstrudel apple strudel der Apfelkuchen apple tart
German and English Dish Vocabulary German and English Dish Vocabulary German English die Rinderrouladen beef olives das Hühnerfrikassee chicken fricassee
German and English Food Vocabulary German and English Food Vocabulary German English das Essen food das Getränk drink das Mittagessen
German and English Breakfast Vocabulary German and English Breakfast Vocabulary German English die Frühstückstheke breakfast bar das Butterbrot bread and
German and English Daily Activities Vocabulary German and English Daily Activities Vocabulary German English aufwachen to wake up sich anziehen