other shops | andere läden
German and English Shop Vocabulary German and English Shop Vocabulary German English die Antiquitätenhandlung antique shop der Herrenfriseur barber’s der […]
German and English Shop Vocabulary German and English Shop Vocabulary German English die Antiquitätenhandlung antique shop der Herrenfriseur barber’s der […]
German and English DIY Vocabulary German and English DIY Vocabulary German English die Elektrizität electricity die Tischlerei joinery das Heimwerken,
German and English Department Store Vocabulary German and English Department Store Vocabulary German English die Marke brand die Theke counter
German and English Kiosk/Newsstand Vocabulary German and English Kiosk/Newsstand Vocabulary German English die großformatige Zeitung broadsheet der Kiosk kiosk die
German and English Baby Items Vocabulary German and English Baby Items Vocabulary German English die Babynahrung baby food die Babylotion
German and English Baby Care Vocabulary German and English Baby Care Vocabulary German English die Kolik colic die Wegwerfwindel disposable
German and English Dairy Vocabulary German and English Dairy Vocabulary German English das Eiweiß egg white das Eigelb egg yolk
German and English Dairy & Eggs Vocabulary German and English Dairy & Eggs Vocabulary German English das Eiweiß egg white
German and English Baking & Bakery Vocabulary German and English Baking & Bakery Vocabulary German English der Bäcker / die
German and English Meat & Butchery Vocabulary German and English Meat & Butchery Vocabulary German English der Metzger / die
German and English Fish & Seafood Vocabulary German and English Fish & Seafood Vocabulary German English der Fischhändler / die
German and English Marketplace Vocabulary German and English Marketplace Vocabulary German English der Marktplatz marketplace der Flohmarkt flea market die
German and English Grocery Shopping Vocabulary German and English Grocery Shopping Vocabulary German English der Gang aisle das Feinkostgeschäft delicatessen
German and English Shopping Vocabulary German and English Shopping Vocabulary German English der Laden shop der Supermarkt supermarket das Einkaufszentrum