other sports | andere sportarten
German and English Sports Vocabulary German and English Sports Vocabulary German English der American Football American football das Bogenschießen archery […]
German and English Sports Vocabulary German and English Sports Vocabulary German English der American Football American football das Bogenschießen archery […]
German and English Golf Vocabulary German and English Golf Vocabulary German English der Golfer / die Golferin golfer der Caddie
German and English Running and Athletics Vocabulary German and English Running and Athletics Vocabulary German English der Läufer / die
German and English Fight Vocabulary German and English Fight Vocabulary German English der Kampf fight der Boxer / die Boxerin
German and English Winter Sports Vocabulary German and English Winter Sports Vocabulary German English der Skifahrer / die Skifahrerin skier
German and English Swimming Vocabulary German and English Swimming Vocabulary German English das Schwimmen swimming das Brustschwimmen breaststroke das Rückenschwimmen
German and English Badminton and Squash Vocabulary German and English Badminton and Squash Vocabulary German English der Balljunge / das
German and English Tennis and Badminton Vocabulary German and English Tennis and Badminton Vocabulary German English das Netz net das
German and English Basketball Vocabulary German and English Basketball Vocabulary German English der Korbleger layup der Slam Dunk slam dunk
German and English Ice Hockey Vocabulary German and English Ice Hockey Vocabulary German English die blaue Linie blue line die
German and English Football Vocabulary German and English Football Vocabulary German English der Abwehrspieler / die Abwehrspielerin defender der Stürmer
German and English Gym and Fitness Vocabulary German and English Gym and Fitness Vocabulary German English das Fitnessstudio gym der
German and English Sports and Competitions Vocabulary German and English Sports and Competitions Vocabulary German English das Turnier tournament der