ferry and boat travel | fähre und boot
German and English Ferry Crossing Vocabulary German and English Ferry Crossing Vocabulary German English die Überfahrt ferry crossing der Fährhafen […]
German and English Ferry Crossing Vocabulary German and English Ferry Crossing Vocabulary German English die Überfahrt ferry crossing der Fährhafen […]
German and English Air Travel Vocabulary German and English Air Travel Vocabulary German English die Fluglinie airline der Terminal terminal
German and English Rail Travel Vocabulary German and English Rail Travel Vocabulary German English das Eisenbahnnetz rail network der Hochgeschwindigkeitszug
German and English Motorcycling Vocabulary German and English Motorcycling Vocabulary German English der Motorradfahrer / die Motorradfahrerin motorcyclist das Moped
German and English Cycling and Motorcycling Vocabulary German and English Cycling and Motorcycling Vocabulary German English der Radfahrer / die
German and English Bus Vocabulary German and English Bus Vocabulary German English die Buslinie bus route die Busspur bus lane
German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Accidents and Breakdowns German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Accidents and Breakdowns German English
German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Roads and Documentation German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Roads and Documentation German English
German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Exterior and Interior German and English Automotive Vocabulary – Exterior and Interior German English
German and English Automotive Vocabulary German and English Automotive Vocabulary German English der Minivan people carrier das Wohnmobil motorhome der
German and English Transportation Vocabulary German and English Transportation Vocabulary German English die Straße street der Pendler / die Pendlerin