Conditional tense
How to form the conditional tense:
- A pronoun, eg ‘ich’ or ‘du’ or a noun, eg ‘der Hund’.
- The conditional form of ‘werden (würden)‘.
- An infinitive (which goes at the end of the sentence).
For example, ‘Wenn ich mehr Zeit hätte, würde ich Tennis spielen‘ -> ‘If I had more time, I’d play tennis’. ‘‘Würden‘ is the conditional form of ‘werden‘ (see the Future tense Revision Bite). It means ‘would’:
Würden (would)
Pronoun | Würden |
ich | würde |
du | würdest |
er/sie/es/man | würde |
wir | würden |
ihr | würdet |
sie/Sie | würden |
Using the conditional tense
Think of the structure of the conditional tense as having three elements plus optional extras. Take this sentence: ‘Ich werde meine Tante besuchen‘ (I’m going to visit my aunt).
- Element one -> pronoun -> eg ich
- Element two -> correct form of würden -> eg würde
- Optional extras -> extra bits -> eg meine Tante
- Element three -> infinitive -> eg besuchen
If you follow this pattern, you will always end up with correct word order. You must always include all three elements. Here are some more examples of conditional tense sentences with the pieces divided up into the three elements.
Conditional tense sentences
Pronouns/nouns | Auxiliary verbs | Optional extras | Past participle |
Wir | würden | im Winter Snowboard | fahren |
Mein Freund | würde | einen neuen Job | suchen |
Ich | würde | Lachs | probieren |
Complete sentences that use the conditional tense
- In the winter we would go snowboarding.
- My boyfriend would look for a new job.
- I would try salmon.
Haben and sein
Haben (to have) and sein (to be) are slightly different. ‘Ich würde eine Party haben’ or ‘Ich würde glücklich sein’ are perfectly correct. However, it’s more common to use the conditional forms of haben and sein, eg ‘Ich hätte eine Party‘ or ‘ich wäre glücklich‘.
Examples of the conditional of haben
Conditional of haben | Translation |
Ich hätte | I would have |
du hättest | You would have |
er/sie/es/man hätte | He/she/it would have |
wir hätten | We would have |
ihr hättet | You would have |
sie/Sie hätten | They/you would have |
Examples of the conditional of sein
Conditional of sein | Translation |
Ich wäre | I would be |
du wärst | You would be |
er/sie/es/man wäre | He/she/it would be |
wir wären | We would be |
ihr wäret (or wärt) | You would be |
sie/Sie wären | They/you would be |
Using ‘wenn’ (if)
The conditional is often used with wenn (if):
- Ich würde die Uniform abschaffen, wenn ich Direktorin wäre -> I’d scrap the uniform, if I were the head teacher.
- Wir würden in Amerika wohnen, wenn wir die Gelegenheit hätten. -> We’d live in the US if we had the chance.
- Wenn ich im Lotto gewinnen würde, würde ich um die Welt reisen -> If I had lots of money, I’d travel round the world.
Notice that:
- Wenn is a ‘subordinating conjunction’ which means it sends the verb to the end of that clause/sentence (see the Conjunctions Revision Bite).
- If the sentence begins with Wenn…, this ‘wenn clause’ counts as the first idea in that sentence, and is followed immediately by a verb (see the ‘Verb is Second’ section).
Common mistakes made by English speakers
- Forgetting to put an infinitive at the end when using würden.
- Getting the word order wrong in ‘if’ sentences.
- Pronouncing würden (‘vure-den’) the same as werden (vair-den).
- Pronouncing hätte (‘hett-er’) the same as hatte (‘hatt-er’).
- Pronouncing wäre (‘vair-er’) like war (‘var’).
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